41 North Development Llc
Your first step into development
Benefits and results
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    Product Design

    Our UX/UI experts craft meaningful user experience to connect with your customers.

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    Whether it’s software development for a mobile app, website, or wearables and IoT integration, our technical experts have you covered

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    Rapid prototyping is a cost effective method for reaching your minimum-viable-product (MVP) as quickly as possible.

About Us

Empowering Businesses Through Custom Digital Solutions

Founded in 2023 by owner Jonathan Rosenberg, Jackrabbit was built on the idea of making entrepreneurship more accessible - democratizing the launching of businesses. While the company has morphed over the years into the development hub that it is now with full service offerings from prototype designs to full cross-device applications, we stay true to our roots and remain active in our local entrepreneurial communities and our core value of accessible technology.

By teaming with Jackrabbit Mobile, your dollar goes a long way. Whether your budget is ten thousand or one million, our company will ensure you get a digital product that meets your needs and goals. With a distributed team, we pass the savings on overhead to our clients so more digital solutions can be launched into the world whether improving upon an existing business or starting a brand new one. We believe in clear communication and inspired work. Our no B.S., passionate team is dedicated to bringing your ideas to life in the most efficient way possible.

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First of all, let’s get to know each other

Ideally around the same table. To discuss what you actually need, why you’d like to achieve it, what the weak spots of your business are, and what we can do to help. We’re experts at asking the right questions, so it’s likely we’ll come across things that had never occurred to you before.

Create Frictionless ExperiencesModernize Systems and Processes

41 North Development Llc - is a user experience strategy, product design, and software development company that helps businesses expand their reach, seize market opportunities, and improve efficiencies by creating incredible digital experiences that meet user needs.

By choosing us you get:

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